The new effiSCAN
The particularly lightweight, ergonomic, and easy-to-use cleaning optics
- particularly ergonomic and lightweight hand optics
- long focus distance (approx. 200 mm) and yet 3-fold higher intensities achievable
- lossless and fully digital scanner technology achieves up to 50 m/s scanning speed and 3 times higher deflection speeds than usual on the market so far
- significant increase in removal efficiency due to a larger focal area
- convenient one-hand operation during operation directly on the device via intuitive graphic turn-and-touch display (even with gloves) possible
- 24/7 usable for all cleanLASER of the mid- and high-power lasers
- removable nozzle with lowest flow losses
- numerous sensors and nozzles can be plugged in/modularly expanded
- complete detection of particles in the suction nozzle = optimal operator protection
- also available with electronic edge suppression for streak-free edge zones
- highly precise de-coating, paint stripping, pre- and post-treatment
- one optic for a wide range of applications
Would you like to learn more about the new optics and the possibilities for your application? Then please feel free to contact us.