Green Production

Green Production – environmentally friendly production

We act in accordance with our environmental guiding principle of resource-conserving production with a sustainable effect. Thus, not only do our laser systems contribute to the protection of the environment and save valuable resources for our customers, but our production is also designed to be sustainable throughout.

Green production is an essential guiding principle for us. The environmental friendliness of future products and applications is also important. An important building block in this orientation is our cooperation with the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German Federal Foundation for the Environment, DBU).

Since 2018, our entire company has been certified in all areas according to the ISO 14001 environmental standard. in 2021 our certification was confirmed again. In addition, we practice continuous processes based on ISO 50001 to save resources and, in particular, energy. In addition to generating energy using photovoltaics and returning energy from our test benches to the heating circuit of the building, we also have state-of-the-art, highly efficient production facilities and e-mobility in our vehicle fleet. In addition, we purchase electricity that we cannot produce ourselves exclusively as green electricity from renewable energy plants. Our environmental protection efforts are rounded off by the JobRAD programme, in which we actively support our employees in relieving the burden on the environment on their way to work.

We would be pleased to show you how the laser process in your company can contribute to the relief of the environment.

Wassertropfen cleanLASER
Sonnenkollektor cleanLASER Dachmontage
ISO 14001 ENG Clean Lasersysteme GmbH
Schmetterling cleanLASER

Our environmental policy and guideline

We regard environmental protection as an important component of our corporate policy and ensure that it can be translated into concrete goals and rules of conduct in all functions and at all levels. Environmental policy objectives are to be designed in a sustainable manner and are thus evaluated in terms of improving workplace conditions, saving resources and the economic impact on the company and society.

Together with our employees we implement our environmental protection effort. We continuously increase their sense of responsibility by regularly exchanging information on the various topics and goals of environmental protection. Thus motivate them to act in an environmentally conscious manner.

We commit ourselves to continuously improve our environmental performance. In addition to complying with environmentally relevant laws, ordinances and regulations, we solve environmental protection requirements in partnership with customers, suppliers, scientists and authorities.

As far as it is economically justifiable, we orient ourselves towards the best available technology in terms of environmental protection. We evaluate the environmental impact of every new product and every new process with its introduction.

Read more about the advantages and environmental performance of the IPG | cleanLASER process …


Do you have any questions? We want to be happy to assist you.

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