Event Overview 2025

Event Overview 2025

Below you find a summary of some of the events in which IPG | cleanLASER is actively involved:

EALA, 04.-05.02.2024, Bad Nauheim/Germany

EALA, European Automotive Laser Applications, is the Automotive Circle’s focus conference and exhibition on all aspects of laser-based material processing in all areas of automotive series production.

IPG Photonics will be represented with a stand and IPG | cleanLASER will report on the latest ultra high-speed scanner optics for cleaning applications.

Registration and information at: https://www.automotive-circle.com/events/eala-2025

“in-adhesives“ Symposium on Innovations in Adhesives and their Applications, 11.-12-02.2025, Munich/Germany

You are welcome to attend our presentation.

More information about the event: https://www.in-adhesives.com/


The colloquium “Joint research in adhesive bonding technology” will provide a comprehensive picture of the current state of research and application by means of overview lectures, presentations by adhesive manufacturers and lectures on joint industrial research projects.

Registration and information at: https://dechema.de/GFKT2025.html

The Battery Show Europe, 03.-05.06.2025, Stuttgart/Germany

Meet us at booth 7 E51 next to the Battery Tech Theater and IPG Photonics at booth 10 A100.

Information about the fair: https://www.thebatteryshow.eu/en/home.html

World of Photonics

LASER World of Photnics, 24.-27.06.2025, Munich/Germany

Meet us at the IPG Photonics stand B3 230.

Information about the fair: https://world-of-photonics.com/en/trade-fair/

Schweissen und Schneiden (Joining and Cutting), 15.-18.09.2025, Essen/Germany

Meet IPG Photonics at stand 2 D29 at the world’s leading trade fair for joining, cutting and coating.

More information about the trade fair: https://www.schweissen-schneiden.com/joining-cutting-surfacing/


KONTEC, 17.-19.09.2025, Dresden/Germany

Meet us at the Intern. Symposium “Conditioning of radioactive operational and decommissioning waste”.

More information about the trade fair: https://www.kontec-symposium.com/

parts2clean, 07.-09.10.2025, Stuttgart/Germany

Meet us at the trade fair for industrial component cleaning.

The following trade fairs will be held in parallel in Stuttgart: Motek, Bondexpo, Quantum effects and Hyfcell



Do you have any questions? We want to be happy to assist you.

Please contact us here